Salmon Confit in Parsley Oil

1 bunch parsley
16 ounces extra-virgin olive oil
4 6-ounce center cut salmon filets
salt and pepper to taste

Wash, dry and chop 1 bunch of parsley and place in large heavy bottom sauce pan. Add olive oil to parsley and place on stove. Turn burner on to low-medium and watch until the parsley leaves start to fry and make crackling sounds. Turn off flame and remove oil from heat and let cool down.

Place cooled oil & parsley into blender and puree. Be sure to not let it get warm. Let oil sit for 1 hour. Line a paper coffee filter with cheese cloth and strain the parsley oil puree into a bowl through the filter to remove all solids.

Preheat oven to 200°

Season salmon filets with salt and pepper place into an oven safe deep sided dish. Try to use one that is not much bigger than all the filets when put in pan. Cover fish with oil until salmon is completely submerged. Place in oven and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and drain fish on paper towels.

Serve warm and drizzle parsley oil over plated fish.

Side Serving suggestions:
Celery Root Puree
Sunchoke/Jerusalem Artichoke Puree
Fennel Salad
Parsnip Puree

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